Friday, April 17, 2009

Better To Be Safe Than Sorry

ATTENTION: Physical exercise can sometimes lead to injury. The information contained at is NOT intended to constitute an explanation of any exercise, material, or product (or how to use/perform them). is not responsible in any way, shape, or form for any injury that may result from any person's attempt at exercise as a result of the information contained herein. Please consult a physician before starting any exercise program, and never substitute the information on this site for any professional medical advice or treatment you may receive.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

I miss my hubby

So here it is Thursday evening, day 4 without the hubs.  I really miss him.  This is the first time that we have ever been apart this long.  We really do enjoy spending all of our time together, even when we are having a disagreement.  I have been really busy since he's been gone though.  Thankfully I have the best mother in law in the world!!  She came to stay with me and the kiddos, to help out and keep us company.  I really appreciate any help that I get from anybody.  Anyway, back to missing the hubs.....So on Monday morning before we had to part ways, we went to the gym together, I forgot how much fun it is working out with him.  We went to Urban Active, the gym he has a membership at, since I can't take him to Lifestyles.  He goes to the gym every morning before work at 5a, I give him props for that one, I don't know if I could get up that early, go work out and go to work everyday.  But its the only time he can fit it in to his day, so whatever works right.    Ok, back to missing the hubs....I get sidetracked easily.  Oh so if you are reading this honey, I really appreciate all that you do for me and the kiddos.   Ok, I got sidetracked and now I can't get back on track, oh well, I am going to go to bed.

I just don't get it

Man why can't people genuinly be happy for anyone.  I know I am guilty of this in the past, but I have been changing my ways.  You know this is why I normally am a quiet person, because people are so negative.  I don't want negative people in my life.    Are people just so into themselves or just really negative that they can't be genuinely happy for someone else???  Isn't it kind of a downer when you are soooo excited about something and you can't wait to share it with other people and they either dismiss it or have to be negative about it.  I mean wtf!!  

Friday, April 3, 2009

Ok...a little about me

Well many, probably all of you, did not know that I am currently studying to obtain a Personal Trainer certification.  It has become something that is turning into a passion of mine.  I absolutely love to workout, not the kind where you just use some machines, I mean the type of workout that really gets you sweaty, makes you work.  You know a "functional" workout.  I really can't wait to start to share my knowledge (which is still growing and always will) of working out and making a difference in someone's life.  It was a lifestyle change for me and generally is for anyone who is not really "in" to working out.  You have to have the drive for it and really want it.  
I absolutely love my life and wouldn't change anything at all.  I have an awesome husband, who supports me in anything and everything I do.  I have two of the best kids in the world; Alex who is 2 1/2 years old and Kaden who is 7 months.  I'll find pics and post some...eventually!I have become a very compassionate person (well I seem to think so), motivated, active, and very driven.  I want to succeed in life and make a difference in people's lives.  I don't want to feel that I led a wasted life.   
A few things I don't like are liars, quitters, excuses.  
This is a quote that I have always had in my mind since I was in high school and one that I will never forget..
I think the purpose of life is to be useful, to be responsible, to be honorable, to be compassionate. It is, after all, to matter: to count, to stand for something, to have made some difference that you lived at all. 
--Leo C. Rosten 

In Life

In life anything that is worthwhile takes hard train hard

Execuses Mexcuses

You can always make an excuse for anything, but it is exactly what it EXCUSE!!!  You are in control of what you do, not anyone else.  People always come up with reasons why they shouldn't do anything or try to put the blame on other people.  Now you are the one who controls your life, as I stated earlier, so quit making excuses or trying to put the blame on other people and Just Do It (to use NIKE's slogan).


Recently one of the founders of TAPOUT has died tragically.  His name was Charles "Mask" Lewis.  I never really knew to much about Mask or the company other than it is the pioneer clothing line of mixed marial arts, the biggest sponser of fighters and of the mixed marial arts world.  But when I found out that Mask passed away, it seemed to have effected me. Its such a tragic event when anyone passes away.  So I started reading all about Mask.  He was really a great person.  He truly has inspired me more than I ever thought.  Here is a quote from him..
"Life is full of influences; It's your application that sets you apart. That's something I wrote to myself and completely believe in. You can't be scared to set out to do something in life because you believe it may be similar to something, or because you don't know the clear cut path on how you're going to accomplish your goal or dream! Just take a step towards your belief daily - fearlessly, wholeheartedly, digging and dreaming within yourself, believing that as you push on through sacrifice, you will one day stand alone on top of a hill that you created that now encourages and inspires others to chase their dream. Knowing that through tenacity and patience anything can be achieved." Mask 
(I hope that this is not illegal to copy & post this)

I just can't say enough things about how this man, who was somewhat unkown to me, has now been one of the biggest influences in my life.  His words are so inspiring to me that they are giving me hope to succeed in life and to excel at what I love doing.  

RIP Charles "Mask" Lewis  3/11/2009