Thursday, June 17, 2010

an update

Ok, so I tried to be a blogger, but not much of one. For one I don't think that my life is that interesting or that anybody really cares whats going on. Anyway.....So about two years ago I decided that I needed to lose weight and I wanted to try to be more social (yah like thats ever going to happen, I try but it never works...story of my life). So as I was "working out" I was thinking how much that I enjoyed it and wanted to help others as well. I thought wow I could make money at doing something that I enjoy for once not realizing how much there is to actually creating programs and how much b*llsh*t there is in the fitness world that most people believe in. Its hard to educate someone on fitness when they believe in these gadgets and magic diets that are all over the tv and internet. What really works is a complete change in lifestyle. Sure diets will work however your body eventually adapts to the "diet" and you begin to plateau and you aren't building any lean muscle which is what your body needs to speed up your metabolism and to make you body composition look leaner. So you need to make more conscious decisions when eating and what you are drinking, we take in more calories in what we drink that most people realize. With a proper diet and regular exercise you can have a leaner more desirable you.
Ok so I kind of went off track a little, so I am trying to obtain my certification to be a strength and conditioning coach. I know most everyone that knows me is probably thinking how can she do this she doesn't know anything about sports and what not. So with that negativity which is always around I try to ignore it an make it a positive but it is hard. So hard that I just want to say F*CK it. But despite what everybody thinks I don't like to quit or just throw in the towel. I know that through hard work and tenacity it is possible. So I AM trying to get this certification as fast as I can but it always seems there is something that is holding me up. Its actually more important to me at this time in my life than anything else except my family. So with that said...I AM TRYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And a big F you to everyone that doesn't want to believe in me or support me through this path of life that I'm on. POSITIVITY only please.....