Spinning complacently in the darkness, covered and blinded by a blanket of little lives, FALSE security has lulled the madness of this world into a slumber. WAKE UP!! An eye is upon you, staring straight down and keenly through, seeing all that you are and everything that you can never be. Yes, an EYE is upon you, an eye ready to blink.
So face forward, with arms wide open and mind reeling. Your future has arrived... are you READY to go?
from "AN EYE is UPON YOU" (1947)- J.P. Saticoy
These are my thoughts on...well whatever I feel like sharing.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Friday, February 24, 2012
I'm Official
I finally did it. Procrastination gets you no where. I already knew that, but man I couldn't get myself out of my rut and finally when I did, with a lot of help from my wonderful husband, I did it! And you know what, it feels sooooo good to know that I accomplished something. Its a big accomplishment for me. No longer will I have something that I worked for and did well with and never used any of it. Finally I HAVE something, that I worked hard for, after years, yes years of procrastination!!! It was my own fault that it took so long, but I can't go back in time and change that. For now on I KNOW that I CAN do this. If you just put your mind to something that you want bad enough, it is possible. I am very proud of myself and want to thank my husband for standing behind me, pushing me forward, and for having faith in me to know that I could do anything if I wanted it bad enough.
Julio, te amo con todo mi corazón!
Also, to all the people that do not BELIEVE in me or what I do, I thank you for that because it just drives me to keep on doing it!!!!
Julio, te amo con todo mi corazón!
Also, to all the people that do not BELIEVE in me or what I do, I thank you for that because it just drives me to keep on doing it!!!!
Friday, December 2, 2011
This just disgusts me

This just disgusts me... There is NO easy button to weightloss. Sure there are all kinds of "diets" out there that you will lose weight with, but will it be forever, NO. There is nothing out there other than good old fashion working out and just plain old eating healthy. Its not just eating healthy foods, its managing your portion control. There are sooooo many fad diets, fad shakes, that people have marketed so well it leads everyone to believe that there really is an easy button. Sure like I said you may lose weight, but are you going to want to "eat" or "drink" the rest of your meals for the rest of your life? Hell NO! See the major problem with those fads are that as soon as you stop them you start to gain all your weight back and usually even more than you had before. So it just makes me sick to see all of these people "choosing" the easy route, when in turn its actually not really helping at all. The problem is that society wants instant gratification and when you are trying to lose weight the healthy way, there is not such thing as instant gratification. I just hate seeing people being tricked into this because of brilliant marketing efforts. Ok so I will give you the EASY BUTTON Now!!!! Its simply, a good workout plan and a healthy diet. Calories In vs Calories Out. Its as simple as that.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
an update
Ok, so I tried to be a blogger, but not much of one. For one I don't think that my life is that interesting or that anybody really cares whats going on. Anyway.....So about two years ago I decided that I needed to lose weight and I wanted to try to be more social (yah like thats ever going to happen, I try but it never works...story of my life). So as I was "working out" I was thinking how much that I enjoyed it and wanted to help others as well. I thought wow I could make money at doing something that I enjoy for once not realizing how much there is to actually creating programs and how much b*llsh*t there is in the fitness world that most people believe in. Its hard to educate someone on fitness when they believe in these gadgets and magic diets that are all over the tv and internet. What really works is a complete change in lifestyle. Sure diets will work however your body eventually adapts to the "diet" and you begin to plateau and you aren't building any lean muscle which is what your body needs to speed up your metabolism and to make you body composition look leaner. So you need to make more conscious decisions when eating and what you are drinking, we take in more calories in what we drink that most people realize. With a proper diet and regular exercise you can have a leaner more desirable you.
Ok so I kind of went off track a little, so I am trying to obtain my certification to be a strength and conditioning coach. I know most everyone that knows me is probably thinking how can she do this she doesn't know anything about sports and what not. So with that negativity which is always around I try to ignore it an make it a positive but it is hard. So hard that I just want to say F*CK it. But despite what everybody thinks I don't like to quit or just throw in the towel. I know that through hard work and tenacity it is possible. So I AM trying to get this certification as fast as I can but it always seems there is something that is holding me up. Its actually more important to me at this time in my life than anything else except my family. So with that said...I AM TRYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And a big F you to everyone that doesn't want to believe in me or support me through this path of life that I'm on. POSITIVITY only please.....
Ok so I kind of went off track a little, so I am trying to obtain my certification to be a strength and conditioning coach. I know most everyone that knows me is probably thinking how can she do this she doesn't know anything about sports and what not. So with that negativity which is always around I try to ignore it an make it a positive but it is hard. So hard that I just want to say F*CK it. But despite what everybody thinks I don't like to quit or just throw in the towel. I know that through hard work and tenacity it is possible. So I AM trying to get this certification as fast as I can but it always seems there is something that is holding me up. Its actually more important to me at this time in my life than anything else except my family. So with that said...I AM TRYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And a big F you to everyone that doesn't want to believe in me or support me through this path of life that I'm on. POSITIVITY only please.....
Friday, September 4, 2009
Motivation vs Procrastination
Hello, I know I haven't wrote anything in awhile, but I am a pretty boring person.
So anyway, I started doing some crossfit workouts about three weeks ago, although I took a week off, so basically for two weeks. Anyway, crossfit is something that I have been wanting to get into. Its a lot of hard, intense workouts, but the payoffs are unbelievable. So although I love crossfit, its like a mind game to get me to go to the gym. I mean I can come up with a million and one excuses why I shouldn't go, but then I think about how good I will feel afterwards. That still isn't enough to get me motivated to go always. When you are doing a crossfit workout its like you think that you just can't finish or do anymore, but you have to finish, you can't just quit, well at least I can't and you shouldn't just give up to begin with. So during the workout itself you go through all of these range of emotions, from oh gosh I can't do this, I can't quit though, I can't breath, and any other reason as to why you should stop, but you just keep pushing through until its over and you are so proud that you finished and you just feel so awesome, its such a great feeling. Sure you may be sore, but that just means you worked your body and that is a very good thing. So anyway, although I sometimes dread going to the gym, I still go and feel great when I am leaving. Plus I have energy to get me through the rest of my day. Well peace out and I will try to write more sooner.
So anyway, I started doing some crossfit workouts about three weeks ago, although I took a week off, so basically for two weeks. Anyway, crossfit is something that I have been wanting to get into. Its a lot of hard, intense workouts, but the payoffs are unbelievable. So although I love crossfit, its like a mind game to get me to go to the gym. I mean I can come up with a million and one excuses why I shouldn't go, but then I think about how good I will feel afterwards. That still isn't enough to get me motivated to go always. When you are doing a crossfit workout its like you think that you just can't finish or do anymore, but you have to finish, you can't just quit, well at least I can't and you shouldn't just give up to begin with. So during the workout itself you go through all of these range of emotions, from oh gosh I can't do this, I can't quit though, I can't breath, and any other reason as to why you should stop, but you just keep pushing through until its over and you are so proud that you finished and you just feel so awesome, its such a great feeling. Sure you may be sore, but that just means you worked your body and that is a very good thing. So anyway, although I sometimes dread going to the gym, I still go and feel great when I am leaving. Plus I have energy to get me through the rest of my day. Well peace out and I will try to write more sooner.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
We did it!!!
So we have our location for our gym...Its technically not a gym, but its just easier to say that. Anyway...We are incorporated and licensed to operate our business, The Training Compound. WOOHOO!!!! Its a pretty big accomplishment. We are opening the martial arts portion on Monday!!!! We have to finish building out the room for our fitness portion of the "gym", so that won't open for several weeks. Its gonna be frickin' awesome, I can't wait. I'm just super excited. We are going to be extremely busy for quite awhile, but the payoff will be worth it. We are sacrificing a lot of family time together but to get anywhere in life you have to make sacrifices.
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